Review: iMuslims: Rewiring the House of Islam. Islamic Civilization and Muslim Networks

Author(s) Vit Sisler
Contact Vít Šisler, Charles University, U Kříže 8, Praha 5, 158 00, Czech Republic. E-mail:
Issue CyberOrient, Vol. 7, Iss. 1, 2013, pp. 124-127
Published May 10, 2013
Type Book Review
Abstract The book has an overwhelming scope, ranging from methodological and theoretical issues related to the research of Islam in cyberspace to detailed analysis of particular and diverse segments of the cyber Islamic environments such as the Islamic blogosphere or the use of the Internet by jihadi movements. The author clearly demonstrates his command of the subject by the vast number of examples, mainly websites, blogs and videos cited and analyzed in the course of his argumentation. The exhaustive list of primary sources the author used for his research is unparalleled and itself could serve as an authoritative point of reference.
Keywords blogs, Islam, internet, public sphere, websites, social networks, Internet studies, communication studies, jihad