Aims and Scope

Aims and Scope

CyberOrient is a semi-annual interdisciplinary journal published by the American Anthropological Association, the Faculty of Arts of Charles University, and Lund University. CyberOrient presents original, peer-reviewed articles, comments and books reviews on the online representation of any aspect of Middle Eastern cultures, Islam, the imagined “Orient” and the use and impact of the internet and new media in the Middle East and Islamic countries.


anthropology, new media studies, internet, new media, digital media, cyberspace, CyberOrient, journal, anthropology journal, American Anthropological Association, AAA, Charles University, Lund University

Publication Dates

CyberOrient publishes two issues per year, in October and December of the respective year.

Abstracting and Indexing Information

  • AnthroSource
  • Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals, Series and Publishers
  • Italian Register of Scientific Journals