Review: Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion

Author(s) Anders Ackfeldt
Contact Anders Ackfeldt, Lund University, Lund University Box 192, 221 00 Lund, Sweden. E-mail:
Issue CyberOrient, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, 2020, pp. 107-109
Published December 15, 2020
Type Book Review
Abstract The edited volume Methods for Studying Video Games and Religion (2017) by Vít Šisler, Kerstin Radde-Antweiler, and Xenia Zeiler takes the study of religion and video games seriously and recognizes the widespread usage of religious themes in the world of games. The book can be read as an exposé of the state of research in the field of Game Studies with the specific focus on methods for researching how religion is represented in games and how religious traditions change and serves as inspiration for religious practices and beliefs.
Keywords method, video games, game studies, computer games